Five years on... we're still the same. It's been 5 years since graduation. I've been back for close to 5 years. It's amazing how when we get together, we're still jesting. Looks like we're still very much the same. Despite it being a blue Monday, we decided to get together for drinks and to catch up.

Ming came down from JB, he's renewing his work permit to return back to Texas. Sanford made a trip to just chill in Singapore, feasting, and stuffing himself in time for the cold Chicago Christmas. Gavin's been in Singapore, and planning to return back to US for his MBA. Mike's been in Singapore, and his other half Mae moved here to Singapore to be with him. It's amazing how we seldom hang out or kept in touch th

Gavin's still FOS, Sanford's still feasting away, Ming is still Ming, subtle & mellow. Mike grew skinnier, but still the same. The guys were part of my life back in US. As we sat there drinking away, and forcing drinks down each other's throat, and the usual norm of sparing me cos i am the 妹妹 of the group, we started recounting our good ol' days.
How we have the Everclear drink as our initiation process. and the bacardi 151.
How we have a resident prostitute.
How Ming broke his hand, and getting it recast.
How Gavin drank so much, that he puked so much.
How i flipped at some stranger, making the guy nearly whacking me, but having Hercules step in and punching the guy first.
How Sanford first met me, and my first words to him was "tiew lei".
How i cried during my graduation, and Sanford said my tears are on cue.
How Ming is never there with us, How Gavin is never with us.
How Sanford, Dennis, Mingyi and me got crazy and drove to Toronto, got fooled by Jana that we can get to Toronto from Chicago... and then having to make the detour again. Duh, blame the engineers, so much so for graduating from the Top 10 Engineering Schools in US.
How Dennis dared Hercules to carry him, and Hercules crashed Dennis' head repeatedly on the ceiling.
How i learnt to drive, with me on the clutch, and Dennis shifting gears.
How Mike has to help me parallel park, cos i got pissed off with parking, and he was laughing.
How Pin got drunk, and Dennis and Sanford had to wash him up and put him into bed.
How William built an igloo, cause they got bored at Franklin Park.
How we have a big ass eating feast at Pin's apartment.
How the guys had to finish their homework in a hurry, so we could get to cactus on Thursdays for beer & drinking.
How the beer at cactus is only 1 cent on Thursday.
How we drove down to House of Blues for BT, and eating at Chinatown at 4am in the morning.
How we would always drink so much, and then drive to the town's Denny's restaurant for buffalo wings (sauce on the side, pls...!!!) at 4am, and going home about 6am.
How we would say to each other at Hawkin's lobby at 6am not to call each other till 6pm.
How Kishore slept through fire drill, despite the alarm being right outside his door.
How we stood there in the cold, looking at the fire drill.
How the boys woke me up at 4am to go weeeweeeee, and how i combed the entire 13 floors of Hawkins to hunt them down to kick their butt.
How we still call each other to check on each other now & then.
It's comforting to know despite everything around us has changed, some getting married, some have kids, we're still going to have the crappiest pick-up lines, and drunk stunts.
Can't help but feel nostalgic...
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Jeannie in a bottle
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