So the question again boils to what makes an AzN?
Looks : the hair color (mostly black, now some turned ash like me, or even blonde, brown, whatever), eye color (mostly black, but some turned to blue, green, brown, grey, whatever), skin color (mostly yellowish nude, but some turned tanned or even brown, whatever). Of cos these are jus superficial.
Our food choices : AzN can kick ass in Fear Factor eating cow's balls or pig's intestines. I don't think food choices can qualify as being AzN. I don't eat spare parts. I don't eat a lot of raw food. I love steaks, burgers, rice noodles, etc. Maybe rice noodles can count as being AzN.
I guess it's our parents, heritage and upbringing that qualify us as AzN. Our values are different, tho i beg to differ for some out there. We're just conventional, practical people.
I'm AzN and proud of it. A lil' white washed, but still AzN. I speak mandarin, cantonese and a lil' hokkien, and a lil' SoCal accent to my engrande, but then... i'm not pretentious, i'm just a lil' SoCal chick.
People change the way they look to steer away from their asian looks. Let's look at the infamous girl-blogger Dawn Yang. Did she not look very asian, and she changed to the whole pan-asian look just cause it's more exotic and much more popular on my side of the hemisphere? Is she ashamed of being Asian, and the whole Pan-Asian leaning towards the dutch look more favorable? I'm really sad that the way things are headed. I love being asian, i love looking Azn, whether it's more Japanese or Korean looking. I doubt i would wanna change anything. Perhaps maybe breast augmentation (heh heh), you must agree that Dawn's supposed breasts augmentation did look good. And that thought of flying to Bangkok for breasts augmentation at the cost of S$2k is extremely tempting. But ultimately, i ain't switching my looks. I embrace a lot of things Asian. The only thing i fail to understand is music. I am trying to listen to more Chinese music, i do have a couple of artistes & groups which i support, and i also support some Jap / Korean music. I am brushing up on my knowledge of Korean phrases. I speak Mandarin everyday. I'm Asian.... like it or not... i look Asian... let's just hug and embrace that Asian Pride... i so wanna do a "peace out sign " right now, but i can't find a good picture to best represent it.
I'm Azn and proud of it.
A lil' whitewashed but still Azn and proud of it.

1 comment:
How do you feel about "White Pride," "Aryan Pride," "Aryan Purity," "White Power"?
I equate "Asian Pride" with the antics of M.E.C.H.A.
Read the constitution of their chapter. The sentiments seem to echo that of "Asian Pride."
My bottom line is: unless it is an achievement of one's own, there is nothing to be proud of.
Get well soon :)
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