the bulge in my tummy is scary. blame it on the beer ! blame it on Kimbo for teaching me beer appreciation or his version of paying tuition fees ! blame it on feasting for the holidays ! blame it on the wonderful amount of food Singapore has ! Sidenote : food is something i will miss terribly when i go back to US. I have to find a solution to fight that bulge, or at least to tone it up. i am not fat, i am not skinny, i just have a beer tummy in the making.
So what do i do? I run. I put my Nike pegasus circa 2005 to good use.

After my run, i feel totally zonked out, drained my last bit of energy from the final sprint back home. I just needed somewhere to rest my ass. I plonked down in front of telly, and basically chilled out. Mom got home, and brought along pandan cakes, egg tarts & cookies. How could i resist, especially after a shower? I guess, there goes my plans to be slim, and lose that bulge.
Au natural me with the "au natural pandan cake" (cake include preservatives + colorings)

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