Marking the demise of my old nikes. Bye to my blue nikes.
I realized that all my nikes are wearing out, soles falling apart, the shoes have started laughing at me; my adidas are all street shoes, for style purposes; i'm left with no choice.
I went out and got myself a new pair of running shoes.
I searched everywhere.... walking through numerous stores.
I finally decided on a pair of shoes, a pair of Nike Air Pegasus Circa 2005 in Purple & Pink.
Retro? You bet. I had recommendations to buy Asics & Adidas 'Zero RC' series or New Balances and tried all of them. But nothing beats the fit of Nike Air Pegasus for my weird feet.
I ran finally on Wed. For a couple of blocks in my lil' neighborhood.
It may not be a long distance. I can't recall when i last ran. I think it was during Purdue days.
Treetop walk in Nov doesn't count, as it's brisk walking.
I really ran this time and can't help but feel a sense of achievement.
The aftermath (Thurs):
my butt ache, my arms ache, my thighs ache, my body ache.
What to do. A sign of the times perhaps. I'm definitely not fit.
Gonna run again tomorrow.... what a bummer... especially on a friday evening... *wails & whines*...
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