But due to the limited experience with manual transmission car, i can't help but feel a lil' scared. I'm praying hard each time i meet with a red light, that i don't stall the car once the light turns green. It can't be helped, that i feel that way. Afterall, i'm an "American" driver. Yep, i dig the lo-riders, the laidback Californian way of driving. I still recall some of my college mates telling me "man, i can hear your music all the way from the end of the street... and when your car passes by, i can't see you. Your car's roll bar completely blocks your face". Uh huh, i sit real low while driving. Very thuggish, ver

When i got back to Singapore after college, i inherited the Merc C200. Bye to my cabrio *teary-eyed*. My Merc is the ultimate bling bling, ghetto mobile. Plus a ghetto me, you get a lo-ride driver... you get a real ghetto spirit. The Merc's black & cute. I miss the car sometimes. The torquey-ness makes me miss it a little, compared to my current ride the Honda civic. hmmm....
Switching LHD to RHD ain't that difficult. I think i kinda got used to it.
Now I am staring at my California Driver's License and am telling myself i need to change that frigging pik-cher. A case of a bad nerves right before the driving test. frickinhell !
And OoooOOoooh, btw, since i started my healthy lifestyle program (swim + cut down tea & supper when possible), i lost 2kg. WooOooHoooOOo...
Am meeting my girls tomorrow night. So perhaps it'll be comparing who's more tanned than another.
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