Originally uploaded by daftbitch.
"i ain't saying she's a gold digger, she ain't messing with no broke brother".
Am i a gold digger? hahahaha, i am not saying i am one, but i don't mess with no broke brother, for sure. I still love my little Louis Vuitton under my arm, and my lil' trips to the hair salon for one of those manicures & pedicures.
Are all women gold diggers? They definitely ain't gonna go for no broke brother. I'm just saying they ain't materialistic, they're jus realistic.
LimBueyTor's post today made me laugh out hard today. He told a chick whom he was kinda keen on that he's a Tupperware salesman. And guess what, the girl gave him a once-over. So you know she ain't gonna go for no broke brother.
Do we girlies all need a bling bling ride? like a merc or a beemer? But If you wanna mess with this chick(me!), you better be paid. I don't take no money, i'm independent, but i seriously ain't messing with no broke brothers. & I don't want no scrubs.
I ain't no gold digger...
get down girl go ahead get down...
The pik-cher is taken @ Rodeo Drive, back out home at LA. And right after the pik-cher was taken, i strolled into Gucci, Louis Vuitton & Prada. So am i one of those gold diggers?
1 comment:
I have a friend who lives around here. "Around" because he owns houses in Carmel, San Jose, San Francisco, Tiburon. And he is 36. He only officially "works" twice a week, lecturing at UOP. The rest of the time, he is dropping by the businesses he owns (Chinese restaurants, clubs, bars, billard joints) to check on the accounts and debrief the managers. I think his dating method rocks in weeding out the gold diggers:
1st date: $1.50 dinner of a hot dog and a soda at Costco.
2nd date: $10 dinner at Boston Market.
2 months later, if she's still with him, then he lets her see where he really lives, the car he really drives, and his real lifestyle.
Worthy of emulation, IMHO.
Yes, he is happily married now.
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