Thursday, September 08, 2005

yakitori dinner, here we come

Tomorrow i'm going to dine with Angie, Ben, Dennis & Mr. E for some yakitori dinner. So as a gentle reminder, i told Mr. E about our yakitori dinner plans tomorrow. I'm really tired from work, and seriously stressed out.

Me : Eh, we're going for yakitori dinner tomorrow with ...
Mr. E : no no... no yuckytori dinner, i want yummytori...
Me : (not hearing very well, environment too noisy)... eh i said we're going to yakitori dinner...
Mr. E : no no yuckytori. I want yummytori. You can have your Y-U-C-K-Ytori dinner, i want to have yummytori.

DOH... serious case of DOH.

1 comment:

-ben said...

You got a keeper there, gal!

*hands Miss E. a LV bag with a brick inside*
*hands Mr. E. a helmet*
*stands back with camcorder*