My birthday weekend just passed. And boy, was it fun.... and it started last wednesday...
On wednesday, i was told to dress up... and given specifics like no tank tops . I went "HUH, simi sai?" , that totally eliminated maybe 75% of my wardrobe. So my curiousity got to me, and i asked Dave da bitch where's Angie bringing me to. And he revealed.
*gasp* yes we all know he's the bao toh kiah of this year. Kudos to Angi
e... for bringing me to Breeze@Scarlett Hotel, and had a nice moonlight dinner with me. And many thanks for the cherry birkies. It's so cute.. & adorable. Yes Angie... I know i can't resist just shaking the box, wondering what it was, but the suspense always kills me. Check out the box... how can anyone resist wondering what it was? How can anyone receive a nicely wrapped present without the desire to rip the packaging off and know what's inside? Duhhh !!! ....And of cos, to my dear Dave da bitch, tho you can't be there dining with us, and sipping our lil' gu niang drinks, i had fun having Ka Soh Fish Head Noodles with you as supper... and the nice pinkie top. Really like it, thanks Dude... a bit different from my monotone cabinet.

Thursday hmmm...i trotted my ass to Green Room Sessions. I got tired real early, as i have mountain loads of work the next day. But Tortured Souls was just fabulouso. So hmmm... bummer !?! I realized i sucked at beer drinking.
Friday night was dinner @ my place. Major Pig out session of steamboat... it's gross to be sharing everyone's saliva. But we all know each other for almost ten years, some even 15 years or more. So who gives a fish about it? Most of my gfs (Pris, April, Jeanie, Clara, Meihwan & the boys) came by, thank for the gifts babes. The Russian Roulette game of drinks was funny, added with a dash of bourbon, vodka and lies. And it's today i realized how superb a drinker my mom is. Martell thick thick Green tea bit bit. I hereby kowtow to you. But why do you make me such a lousy drinker? Kim went on to wax lyrical about my mom's drinking skills to our friends the very next night. Damnit....
Saturday nigh

t is my actual birthday itself. And it coincides with Zouk's Upgrading Party. Yep, it's closed for a month. But it's great to stop drinking now & then. I like that feeling. My birthday was a blast. I met so many friends and it's just funny. And just the "I've never..." game is worth a mention. Hahaha, sorry boys for saying i've never kissed a girl... but i really never ever french kissed a girl before. And unless you have never french kissed a girl, go ahead and drink up. Everything went by in a daze spiked with lychee martinis, martells, and some gross drinks... and i stumbled home Sunday morn

ing at 5.30am, to send my mom off to the airport at 6am. Please applaud me for being so filial, and amazingly sober to drive... and of cos, at my semi conscious state, i didn't expect to bump into anyone. Damn, not in my tee & boxers, i bumped into a neighbour who was shocked i'm awake. But ....I felt so sleepy... so oh well...who cares about image...
There goes that fabulous weekend. But wait ! we're still celebrating...
i'm gng for dinner dates for the next two nights...
not with Mr. E... sorry, wrong guess.
Who are my special guests? I'll inform in due course.
in the meantime... now i have cherry birkies, and of cos ... red vavavoom dress, how about giving me that murakami cherry bag? heh heh...
1 comment:
Happy, happy, birthday!
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