Wednesday, November 23, 2005

My lil 珊瑚海

I just posted the lyrics to 珊瑚海 by Jay Chou. And i spent the entire weekend watching this video umpteen times while out holidaying with my fave chick. The song is so lovely, so touching and just struck a chord with me. It tells of how a chick fell in love with a dude who's unromantic in so many ways, and they're so different. The girl started dating another guy, who's totally opposite, and really capture her heart. But the dude does this super sweet thing at the end, making the girl just cry.

I sometimes wonder whether fate played a cruel joke on us all, when it comes to matters of the heart. I really hate the feeling of being stuck in something, with questions unanswered. It's that kinda questions that leave you thinking "what if?" I was told that sometimes questions are best left unanswered. Is there always a grey area to everything? Can't everything be just black & white? Is there ever such a thing known as not trying? Can a person just hate going through the process? Courage is never found, when in time of need / required. Must everything be a silly mindgame? To pit one against another? To see who hits the point of jealousy or outrage? I guess a girl can just be wishing hoping and waiting and praying...

1 comment:

Injenue said...

absolutely love this song too!