Ahhh yes, another year. I've been reading through my 2007 and 2008 entries with regards to my thoughts on the days that has passed. I felt truly appreciative of what went through the years, and how every event has changed and altered my life.

I have the same bunch of friends and maybe more. I still have my SBW. Although in the last month or so, i've severely neglected them due to work. I'm really sorry about this. I love them to bits still, and am amazed how wonderfully close we all are even if we are of different characters. We may not be spending as much time together, as our lives take a turn. Some, for work. Others, for family. We still are together, and never fail to have a great time while being out with one another. I felt we could truly understand each other. And we need to organize more rock band sessions! As well as a driving trip. There's a need for speed.

I have a new bunch of friends : the haters. They hate on each other so much, that even Erik thinks it's infectious. Nonetheless, they live close enough to me. And we're generally on the same wavelength, even if we're from all walks of life, and different age groups. They seem like one huge fantastic family. Birthdays are not quite the same, it's filled with fun, and extreme bouts of hating. I made a few closer friends through the amount of time spent hating everywhere. I am thankful... and quite frankly, looking forward to spending more time to know the others better. The group is too huge... and growing!
In triathlon, I haven't done much this year. I had a couple of runs, and two triathlons. I had my first DNF and DNS. I finished my 1st Marathon running

Work-wise, it hasn't been that great till December. But i am loving the madness so far, and really hope it'll be an excellent 2010 for my work! I managed to pick up diving during the lull period. And fallen in love with the ocean.
2009 has been an awesome year. I'm going to take a few days to figure what my 2010 resolutions are. But i am guessing it's still the same ol ' "i don't wanna get fat". I did get lean for a while. My marathon pic is pretty awesome, flat tummy & all. But you know what... i put it back on during Christmas feasting and New Year. So getting lean is still one of those things. That being said... i shall end my post here.

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