Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year .... a year gone, a new year ahead

For the lot of you out there who think i got wasted through NYE, sorry, but i didn't. The past two weeks back at home in US has been detox. I feel my liver singing "i will survive..."! The time away from alcohol from everyone else from my office has been refreshing. I have more time to think about resolutions and goals and directions for the '07.

I have been spending more time at Super Suppers, helping out in whatever way i can. I may suck at kitchen work, cutting, getting the dough work the right way, chopping stuff up, washing stuff up, and i totally suck at domestic work. But that's me. I can't do kitchen work, cook, clean & sew for whatever reasons. I think i finally come to terms with that. I have started doing a lil' more kitchen work. Be thankful.

I've started to spend more time at home. Spending too much time at malls can be energy-draining. I normally buy more sports stuff & jeans, clothes that i chill in... whenever i am back in US. So it's the same stuff over & over again. So it's far more simple these days. Time to simplify stuff and focus on what i would want to accomplish.

So here goes my New Year's Resolution :
  1. Get into school... (hopefully, if time permits, work permits, etc)
  2. Get a new ride... (hopefully, if i balance my checks properly)
  3. Get fit & toned ... (hopefully, if i manage time wisely)
  4. You know what... this is ridiculous. No need for resolutions. I'll just do what i like, when i like.... and just be Eve.
Happy New Year everyone! Cheers...

1 comment:

-ben said...

Someone looks ready to take part in Iron Chef :-P