As much as i like to brag how i absolutely have no jetlag, everyone but me know it's bullocks. I pretty much slept from 10pm to 8am on the 1st day i touched down. But that's due to the fact i haven't touch a flat bed for some time. How does 32 hours sound? Not everyone has the luxury to fly business class or even first class.
On the 2nd day which so happens to be a Wednesday, that marks the start of t

he princess' party diary. The boys were obviously disappointed at my return, though i think they are very elated. I didn't put on weight, so they say,... till they checked my butt out. Then they went "woohoo, much bigger", and wonders whether i can balance a pen right at the buttcheek area. Hahaha... So anyways, we went off to Bala for our rounds of drink. And it's just been a fantastic night just listening to what they talk about, and did throughout the time i was away. Then a friend of theirs showed up, and she knew me... back from PL days. So the night continued with meeting more PL girls thereafter at zouk, all by chance. OMG. I don't even want to talk about that further. I did meet with Wenxiong and Jeannie and Angie, who were a comforting sight, i miss them... It was a fantastic night, i made do with very little sleep before i started my thursday....

Thursday was a slow night... Angie and me made a date with Eugene (our sydney-residing friend) to catch up over some coffee, on that cold wet night. It's been raining in Singapore. And everyone's been telling me it has been worse before i came back. So Eugene is my ultimate jinx, as whenever he's back, i will definitely bumped into someone whom i wish i never have to see again. *rolls eyes*, that's another story altogether.
Friday i met u

for drinks thereafter at bala. It was a bp with Evan, hung around for coffee, met the girls for dinner... to which we wentlast. I ha

d different groups... my usual boys were there. The girls were there. It's just been very nice to see everyone that matters so much to me, on one night. We didn't just end at Bala... some of the boys and me went down to muddy's for its birthday thingy. We had some interesting stupid silly shots with the w

igs they were passing out. I can only tell you, with drinks... we can get pretty silly.... and even more so silly with big orange afro wigs. And you know what, i went home early by 2ish am and it was nonetheless very very fun.
I had plans to make Saturday a quiet day, go home ear

ly... sleep early in time for Sunday's breakfast club plans that i made with some friends. But it was not meant to be. I ended up having drinks at some Back-2-School party, and then supper. I actually blacked out, which is a pretty scary thing, at 2am. Very fugging scary. BLAME IT ON JET LAG. I had a good laugh over Barry's nerdy school uniform... stupid fella. It's so silly...
Now, as i type out the blog, i realize i haven't gotten over the jet lag. I've been only barely managing time through. OMG... how delusional i am.
Blame it all on jetlag....
That's it for this week... now get out... and come back another day.

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