Call my gi

rls crazy. I do think they are. So since we haven't met for so long, while i was away in States, the saturday upon being back 4th Of March, they organized a picnic just to sit and talk crap. I went off to meet them along with Angie. Everyone was there. I can't quite recall who wasn't

. Oh Rulin wasn't, but it's fine. She's always busy, and a newly inducted girlie of the group.
Coming back from sub zero temperatures... to Singapore where it's mostly high 80s throughout the year, i can't help but feel like i'm stuck in a baking oven. And with every step i ta

ke, i only feel more exhausted and dehydrated.
It was nice meeting up with the girls. Meihwan as usual was the oddball. When i arrived ( ok, i know i am late for two hours, but i am damn tired so i rest at home first), she was playing the Sony PSP. 2 and a half hours after i arrived, she's still at it. We had to take a group pic while she continued playing pictures. Argh... drive me crazy.
Oh but at least by the end of the day, we decide

d to go to Sibu Island out in Malaysia to relax, chill and just enjoy the sun, sand and sea together in mid April. Yay... and to celebrate April's birthday. Seeya gurls then. can't hardly wait...
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