Just returned from US. I had the chance to return for a short lil' trip, to visit family, friends and to recharge my burnt out body. I seemed to have given my body a good total crazy wipeout kinda bashing...

to head straight to burnt out land. And this is nothing liken to burn out on the PlayStation2 or XBox games. It just feels good to be away for a while.
My flight had a six hour layover in Taipei. And that sucked. The moment, we got into LA, we drove straight to Las Vegas. Yes, Vegas baby.... Yea, Las Vegas, Nevada baby... the city that never sleeps. The lights that are brilliant, and where you can possibly go around the world all in a place... from the streets of Paris, to the Vienna waters... to Fiery waters... to the most number of LV stores i see in one tiny stretch of road. Singapore have like 3. & we're mu

ch bigger than the strip in Vegas. but they have like... 3 or 4, all within a mile of each other.
Truly the architecture is magnificent. Vegas promises a view that left me breathless. There's the Venetian, Paris, Bellagio, Mirage, MGM, and of cos... Monte Carlo. Yep, that hotel from the tv sitcom "Las Vegas". I really enjoyed the sights, despite being a lil' jet lagged from that

long flight, and going there from Singapore. It's been a long way, baby. The synchronization of the fountain right outside Bellagio is awesome, and so mind-boggling, that i had to watch it like four times. It's that good! Of course, even after all these years, Mirage's fiery performance still leaves me in awe. Of cos, that addictive ring of the Jackpot machines are alluring... and the enticement of the texas hold'em is there. But i did not get the time nor chance to partake in any form of such risk-taking activity.
Hahaha... then aft

er that lil' 3 day trip, it's back to LA. Back to visiting my old friends, and to chill out, and just shop. I did take another 2 day trip down to San Diego to visit the one love true love of my life : Shamu. I have a thing for killer whales, and it's been years since i last visited Sea World. Shamu has a junior right now. And the sights off Mission Bay is just awesome.

Don't know why, but it sure feels good to be back in SoCal. Oh, and the one thing i realize about Californians is despite the fact the weather is freezing, think about low 50s fahrenheit (a bit weird for SoCal to be this cold during late Feb), and we have our jackets on, we're still walking around in flip flops. Hahaha! I love SoCal.
More about back to Purdue on my next blog. Yes, i went back to Purdue, and met some guys from
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