Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in perspective.

Ahhh yes, another year. I've been reading through my 2007 and 2008 entries with regards to my thoughts on the days that has passed. I felt truly appreciative of what went through the years, and how every event has changed and altered my life.

I have the same bunch of friends and maybe more. I still have my SBW. Although in the last month or so, i've severely neglected them due to work. I'm really sorry about this. I love them to bits still, and am amazed how wonderfully close we all are even if we are of different characters. We may not be spending as much time together, as our lives take a turn. Some, for work. Others, for family. We still are together, and never fail to have a great time while being out with one another. I felt we could truly understand each other. And we need to organize more rock band sessions! As well as a driving trip. There's a need for speed.

I have a new bunch of friends : the haters. They hate on each other so much, that even Erik thinks it's infectious. Nonetheless, they live close enough to me. And we're generally on the same wavelength, even if we're from all walks of life, and different age groups. They seem like one huge fantastic family. Birthdays are not quite the same, it's filled with fun, and extreme bouts of hating. I made a few closer friends through the amount of time spent hating everywhere. I am thankful... and quite frankly, looking forward to spending more time to know the others better. The group is too huge... and growing!

In triathlon, I haven't done much this year. I had a couple of runs, and two triathlons. I had my first DNF and DNS. I finished my 1st Marathon running
through the entire thing. I had a few PBs, in my OD race, my 10km, and of cos my marathon. I found a fantastic running partner, Matt. He's like a elder brother, who never fails to inspire me and motivate me to go further. I look forward to 2010 running sessions with him. And the amount of talk really lift my spirits. And his "nevermind, just eat. you deserve it" attitude... hahaha, i like. I also managed to hang out a lot more with a bunch of girls who dabble into triathlon. Joanne, i'm waiting for you to pop so we can get back to running those womens only runs together.

Work-wise, it hasn't been that great till December. But i am loving the madness so far, and really hope it'll be an excellent 2010 for my work! I managed to pick up diving during the lull period. And fallen in love with the ocean.

2009 has been an awesome year. I'm going to take a few days to figure what my 2010 resolutions are. But i am guessing it's still the same ol ' "i don't wanna get fat". I did get lean for a while. My marathon pic is pretty awesome, flat tummy & all. But you know what... i put it back on during Christmas feasting and New Year. So getting lean is still one of those things. That being said... i shall end my post here.


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Things i grew appreciative of...

Out of the eight and half years i have been working, never once have i felt so appreciative of friends, nor the extent of work my employees deliver. I was recently given the chance to feel what it is like to forget what i was working on over the past few hours, only to realize it's 6pm (almost time to knock off), and i really haven't gotten anything done. Emerging out of office usually at 7-ish pm, or even 8pm, when the skies are dark, i realized how much i yearned for the company and warmth of being around my friends.

The past weekend was a fruitful one. Jana my longtime collegemate came back. And we always have a good time catching up on old days, and it's a nice reminder for Christmas of how much i miss being in Purdue and how much i miss the crazy friends who i knew were made for life. We sat together watching Victor get married, and having a chuckle here and there over how fast time flies.

I met Matthew my trusty pacer for a run on Saturday morning. I am appreciative that God has given Matt to come save my wretched running soul, motivating me as i run along. Matt's warped at times, but i am following. I was bitching about calorie overload over the 1 hour 30 mins run from F2 and to B1 along East Coast. He however thinks it's worth it. Ahh well... it was yummy nonetheless. Big enough a breakfast to last me thru the work day.. all till dinner. Had a good time during dinner... and that milk shake thereafter. The thing about triathletes is they go home early to sleep to prepare themselves to go out to bike or run the next morning. Weekends are precious to them, cos they can expand their energy in the morning and still squeeze their nap in.

I woke up late Sunday morning, rushing to work site, only to realize "bummer, i didn't get clearance to enter the premise". Decided i should spend time with Julian over breakfast, before hopping back to nap. I managed to get most of my holiday shopping done, except one or two items which are still missing.

I came to realize, with so little time on hand for myself, i try to squeeze a run in here and there. Sacrifice a few hours of sleep to be with friends. Yet i find the urge to bitch , and to complain, and to lament over the lack of sleep. A bit tad sad. But that's life.

Friday, December 11, 2009

life after marathon...

I have talked about post-race depression. So the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon marks the end of another year, and it's the last race of the year. I wondered about motivation and energy to head out to run, especially when it's a few weeks to Christmas.

In 08, i packed quite a fair bit of weight after marathon ended. Granted i was actually supposed to nurse my injury, i wasn't supposed to be out running or cycling. I didn't find the motivation to even go swim. I ate and partied like there's no tomorrow. I wasn't about to go down that same road again. Much as i wanted to head out of the door to go for a run or to go for a swim, i couldn't. I have quite a happy problem : i've got work! I've been tied up with work, clocking in 12 hours from 8am to 8pm. And having phonecalls from 9ish all the way till 12midnight. That's another hour added to it, before i go crashing into bed.

One week down... more ahead.
I have happy problems. And let me pray for added bonuses!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Singapore Marathon 2009

DRAFT COPY --- cos i am dazed after completing my marathon some 12 hours ago.

Sitting and huddled up in bed now at 11pm, i thought about how today went. The day of my 2nd Marathon. I woke up after receiving two wake up messages from Matthew. At 320am, you can't help but feel confused about where you were and what you should be doing. I dragged myself out of bed and changed into my outfit. FYI, i chose the white one. I grabbed some bread and slapped the peanut butter on. I wondered how fast it has been. It has been a year... how time flies.

As i started the marathon, i felt a pain across my chest, and knew today's not going to be my day again. When i got to MacDonald's East Coast, i knew i am behind schedule. At F2, i started to throw up, the start of many burps and inability to hold down any form of food / gel / liquids. At the 30km mark, i felt like it was an eternity. At the F1 pit area, i felt i had to get going to end my suffering.

At 42.195km, i am a finisher. A finisher, with a huge smile "like my GCE got all As", according to Matt. The experience is extremely humbling. A good reminder that i still lack good amount of distance running. I am glad, given i haven't really ran all year, to even finish a marathon, with minimal walking.

And To Matt, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Cos i know, without you, i may have walked the entire distance or may have given up. Thank You.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

There are good days... and there would be bad days

I had pretty bad backaches leading up to the final week prior to Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon. I am talking about the stress my body has been going through during the course of the week. A couple of bad news got me caught up. I lost my appetite along with the increment of work stress. Sigh... i guess i can't do much about it, except to suck it up and walk on! I have to walk on, with flair. If all else fails, i have to always look good.

So... it's less than 12 hours away to the start of the Standard Chartered Marathon/09.
Am i ready?
I can't say i am. But what should i wear?
Black top or white top?
Is this a fashion parade? I guess.. like i said, if all else fails, i have to always look good.