Weekend of 1st week Dec (1st & 2nd)
Originally uploaded by daftbitch.
We kicked off the weekends with drinks at Bala. Really fun night... we decided to all go GTs and me... i chose vodka 7ups. I got sick of beers. At least with vodka 7ups, i can take much more with the same amount of buzz i get from beer. We drank till 11 as the crowds dwindled to a handful.I then trotted my ass down to Zouk to meet friends after the Female 50 Gorgeous Party. Chris didn't nab the prize, so oh well... life goes on. And it's always good to party with Wenxiong (the dude in the picture on the right). He's one of my closest friends, and we've been friends since 9. Time flies.
Funny thing did happen at zouk. The bala waiter that is known as grumpy to me (because of his grumpy face) stood next in line to me at the members' toilet. He said Hi and asked if i recalled. I thought about it and went "grumpy". Guess he must really hate me for saying so :)
We ended off things at close to 5am, finishing supper along River Valley. Bumped into Victor & Gerald that i knew from Purdue. It was so nice chatting about rides and lifestyles. Must make it a point to catch up with them over some drinks or coffee. hmmm...
I woke up at 12 noon on Saturday, feeling groggy. Had some lunch at home before i zipped out to wakeboard. I am getting quite used to the whole wakeboard. It's fun, sporty and really having the time of my life bitching with the dudes and having some time in the water. It wasn't a good ride on Saturday. Very suay... kept falling, so unlike my usual stance. I scooted off for dinner right after... and then getting out to Velvet for some drinks.
Next thing i knew... it's 5am when my head hits the pillow. Feeling really tired then. Woke up by 12noon and had lunch before i had to go for the Integra.Sg photoshoot. It felt good to catch up with the boys again and of cos, i got made the RSM (whatever that meant, only the boys who've gone through army knows). After which, I scooted off to get another set in ... for wakeboarding. Yes, i'm nuts, but i swear i need to learn faster and put in more time. .... cos if pigs can fly, so can i.
Had dinner with my family in town, i was issued the warning to return home ASAP after the wakeboarding, and took the shot of the Christmas tree @ taka as we always do as a family every year. By 10pm, i finally called it a day... and the end of my weekend.
The next weekend should be far more exciting. Trackday here i come... i so need to drive.
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