Monday, April 26, 2010

Of Ben & Stuff...

Life goes on. A month has passed.
As i drove home earlier from Monday night yoga session, i tuned into the local radio stations. The song "Lose Yourself" by Eminem was on. I remembered Ben, and had a smile on my face. It was one of the songs he told me he would play before he set off on a ride. It would psych himself up in anticipation of the fun and the ride. Each time i hear it, it reminded me of him, i remember psyching myself up for the ride ahead.

I got home, and got an email from a kind someone who remembers Ben. He wanted to know about a certain object and googled it. And out came the link :

He talked about Ben's helpfulness and dedication in talking about safety. And yet he's reminded that Ben isn't around anymore. At that moment, i felt the tug in my heartstrings.

I decided to check out BenMokPedalOn.Com and in it is a beautiful chinese article written by anonymous. Read it, feel it, and i miss you Ben.

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