Saturday, May 10, 2008

Congrats to April...

April is finally married, so says Rulin. And Finally is a word that is used appropriately. It's a courtship that lasted 9 years. Yep! 9 years. Congrats April! And Alan! It's gonna be fun... running after your little ones...

Oh yes, the wedding reception was beautiful. Having it at Fort Canning, and blessed with lovely weather, it was very sweet and memorable event. Cheers to that!

We did quite a nice collage for her, as a wedding gift. Hope she liked it. Reminded me of secondary school days, whereby we have to DIY gifts. :) At this rate, i'll be pro at the whole gift thing.

So now, the domino effect has started. I will be posting once every few months of one of my gfs getting married. And the answer is still nope, i'm not getting married yet.

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