The birthday parties continues for Angie...

20th was the birthday of Angie. A year older. ahhaha... Dave & me decided to bring her out to have dinner at Min Jiang @ One North. I can't resist its peking duck... and of course their food is always yums. The menu included Shark's Fins,

which the birthday girl adamantly resisted. She claimed the way they killed the sharks is cruel. Dave then questioned on how she felt when the sharks killed a surfer. One less shark = lowering the possibility of a surfer being dragged into water by one of those sharks. Hmmm...

which would you take? Right... i'll take the pro-surfer. I am just going to enjoy my shark's fin. The only peeve i had that night was perhaps the manager avoiding me to tell me where they made their citronella candle from. Sigh... oh well, better luck next time.
Tuesday 21st : Our dear Ben decided we should go to Sun with Moon Dining. There's a story which i must tell behind it. It's so hilarious i can't stop laughing. Ben sms me re

gards to dinner plans, which i said ok to. Then he informed us via sms "Sun with moon dining at wheelock place, ok? 7pm. Eve Angie & Ben". Upon receiving the message, i called Angie to ask if she wants to share a ride down to Orchard. Our conversations goes something like this :
Eve : Eh what time can i pick you up to go Orchard and meet Ben?
Angie : Huh? It's on Sunday lor... not today.
Eve : no lor... it is today. *laughter ensues*
Angie : no no...
Eve : pls read your sms
Angie : OH.............
I just laughed while she continued to curse me. My si

s got Angie a new bf : Patrick Star. For those who are clueless, Patrick Star is Spongebob Squarepants' good friend in the cartoon. At past 7pm, we called Ben to inform him of our delay (traffic was a killer). We also decided to add a place for Patrick Star. We had a laugh when Ben asked where's our other guy friend who's supposed to join us... and even more clueless when we said the dude is Patrick Star and explained its character as Spongebob's friend. Still, all we saw on Ben's face is a blank.

The week went by just like that, in the blink of an eye. I spent most nights dining with friends, and taking a drink thereafter. I kind of slacked a lil' on taking my usual swim and stuff. Friday was the craziest. I had pre-party drinks at Bala with my usual boys. A

nd then i trotted my ass down to Velvet. I can't believe I actually partied with my wakeboard dude Alan & his brothers till 4am, all the while bearing the itchyness of my peeling skin off my back. I had to live with the "wah you're all covered" jokes as well as jokes of chicks and quality control.
I did however compensated the rough friday night by being awake at 10am to be mom's little girl to bring her around the errands, and thereafter rushing to wakeboard at 3pm. Of course, it helps that i had a good ride... woohoo. I am addicted. This lifestyle also meant that I was a goner by Saturday night... and slept before it even turned 12.
All i can is WHAT A WEEK...!
Most sharks do not attack humans. Of the sharks that attack surfers, the great majority are Great White Sharks (which Chinese fishermen hardly catch). Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, Hammerhead Sharks and the occassional Mako Sharks also have been known to attack humans (generally scuba divers, not surfers). The sharks' fins one consumes in Chinese restaurants almost invariably come from Basking Sharks, Whale Sharks, and Nurse Sharks, species which lack the capability to attack surfers.
When paddling out, the profile a surfer presents to a Great White Shark is similar to that of a seal. One can hardly blame the shark for attacking in this case.
Shark de-finning is extremely cruel. It is the equivalent of cutting off a person's limbs and tossing him/her back in the water to drown.
Oh, sharks' fins contain high levels of mercury, lead and cadmium--all toxic, heavy metals.
Bon appetit!
shuddup ben.
i'm still gonna eat shark's fin...
i don't care if i look like a seal from the surfboard...
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