Monday, December 29, 2003

Christmas has passed. It's been a week.

I think Holidays is always the time u think about the past, the love, everything. I had a friend tell me about her misery with love. It's sad. It's a "i love you, but i can't be with you" thing. It's a feeling that's hard to deny of its existence. perhaps time can heal the pain, perhaps time can make everything alright, i've heard a lot abt time being the greatest worker of all. how long should the time be before a couple comes to terms with reality? I really wonder... I can't really console her. I don't know what to say, where to start. I realized that many ard me are lucky in love ...Yet some are jus hiding behind their cheerful disposition. Is it all just a facade? Why can't ppl be more real?

The New Year is approaching. I seem to have a 101 things on my mind. it's so messed up. Work is really taking a toll on me. sighhhh... some ppl have all the luck. where's mine?

Resolutions for Year 2004... to be announced soon... AKAN DATANG !

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