Monday, March 14, 2011


I was in Japan from late feb all the way till 1st of March. The first earthquake / aftershocks hit Japan a week post me coming back. And then the big one that hit Japan at the magnitube of 8.9 on the richter scale came on the day of 11th March 2011.

Japan is awesome. I don't have too many words to describe it, except awesome. I arrived at Tokyo and jet off to Hokkaido, to a lil village of Niseko, where powder snow rules the mountains, and the wisps of cool air wraps you like a blanket. I'm not a good snowboarder, neither do i claim to be. With bad knees, anything with a board beneath my legs isn't good news. Perhaps only then i realize why i rule in the waters. Not on any form of H2O. Niseko has its potentials to become, like what the news and various investors have indicated, the aspen of the east. With the country's manners, attitude and service level, Japan caught my heart and my eye. And when i left on March 1st, i wanted to be back.

I've been tracking the news and happenings since March 11th. Even more so when a potential nuclear disaster (which some have liken it to that of chernobyl) might unfold, with the explosion at the fukushima power plant. When you look at the number of pictures online, you compare fukushima versus tokyo. And you wonder : what hit this beautiful country? Everyday, you hope you pray and you await news that some good might come out from worst earthquake disaster in Japan.

Japanese are a very courageous lot of people. They are well-prepared, they are courteous, they are still showing courage in this time where fear encapsulates their mind. And these people will prevail, and they will be able to get through these tough times. Fight on, Japan.

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