I've been tired. Really tired. For the entire week leading up to Halloween. Perhaps it's the beer on tuesday with some
of the guys who finished The North Face 50km or 100km Duo through the trails. It was tough race with the heat and steepness of those hills, i heard. Tempted to jump on the 2010 version of it, just for the kick of it. I still do try my very best to keep up with some form of running. Twice a week at the very least, with a minimum of run walk 8km. That's not a lot... i know. But this is all i can manage for now.Or that fatigue came from Thursday Night Drinking Club with some friends. Or that lil photo session i had on friday that got me three hours of sleep (this deserves a post on its own, for a picture or two). That fatigue and exhaustion all rolled into Saturday. I had a really crazy halloween on a bus shuttling to different places, eventhough i called it a night by 1am. Too tired that i fell asleep. But cheers to all who showed up... and partied out and the ones who hate. There were one too many dirty pictures, thankfully not from me. They were a huge form of entertainment, and serves as good memory as who's the crazy closet stripper amongst us. And I am happy with one halloween a year. Not too many, cos i am too tired. ZzzzzzZZzzz..

Now to get my ass back to running...
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