So after Bintan Tri, it was a mad rush trying to get back onto the bike : something i stopped doing for a month or so. I wasn't feeling the best, during the week of City Duathlon either. I did run a lil. And i think the last i got the bike was thursday before the event : i did a 5km run / one loop coastal (less than 20) and 5km run brick. My afterthoughts were I was not going to live through the race. Man, that suck. I had cramps all through friday. Friends were concerned if i could even make it to finish the race.

e day came. The air grew thinner. At loop 1 of the 10km run, i kept asking "are we there yet"; at the start of loop 2, my chest grew tighter, and there was a sharp pain in my heart. At this point, i felt : i am not going to make it. When i completed those 10km, i approached the field with the mental note to just take things lightly : what is another 40km of cycling? Bahhh! The field was muddy and totally made me dread the fact i was there. That's when confusion sets in, as the cycling route was changed due to the amount of gravel on the road. I find myself shouting to Julian & Kian Yan : I am on lap X, one more right? By the end of the cycling route (odometer wrote 25k, but i did complete 5 rounds, so i'm done), i had a smile on my face, all cos i knew i am almost there. All i have left on my plate then was my 5km run. I kept telling myself "1015am", but took longer than that. Cramps threatened to stop my r

un. I just kept telling myself "run Eve run", and got into a rhythm. It was extremely comforting to see Clifford on the run, and what made it more fun was making funny faces at the friends i made through the year in triathlon and endurance races.
I might not have been the fastest. I finished mid-pack as usual. There were tons of complaints on the trifam forum regards to the race. I had enough of those. If you don't like, sure complain.... just don't discourage newcomers to the sport. Let them join and have fun. Who knows, they might like it. I know i did.

Total : 2 hr 43 mins 30 secs
Splits : 10km run / 22km bike / 5km run : 1.08.01 / 59.53 / 35.37
Not bad at all, cos i haven't really trained.
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