It was that very moment i realized how much i love driving, and the cars. Of course, how big of an ah lian i truly am. I'm Eve, i love cars both NA and turbocharged. I am a ricegirl, and used to read Import Tuner within the walls of my college dorm. My dabbling with cars then were the 4G63 Mitsubishi Eclipse Turbos, the GT3000, and the RX7. Drag racing was a thing in midwest. However, I drove a simple Gen3 Volkswagen Golf cabrio, looking fly and basking in the sun and attention of a open top ride. Fast forward a couple of years, i am into a different breed of cars : continentals. I like the sound of the ferraris and the maseratis. And i would love a Porsche Boxster S. I can't imagine life not loving cars. However, any given day, i will dye my hair, get into tiny shorts, and a tube top, and jump at the chance to pose in front of a nice ride (my ride of cos). Even if I no longer had the same figure when i was 21 though, sadly :).
Today, I would still love to jump at the idea of driving my dreamcar around Sepang International Circuit, engaging the car with every turn of the circuit, and embracing that fun and excitement. But for now, i'm quite happy with the Mini, it comes with a turbo definitely.
Chia seow, have a good run on Sunday! Remember that when you finish, the ironmen and ironwomen will still be biking along. Cheers!!! :-)
Hui Koon...
Good luck and godspeed.
Eh by the time i am done, you should be almost done with your bike.
I am going damn slow this year. Even my mom said i haven't been running. *totally ashamed*.
:) Chia Siao Ah Lian...
you didnt take more than 7hrs to finish right? so tt wouldnt have been the case!
and good job on the run! at least u started it! kek kek...
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