The entire long weekend was spent mostly in bed, sleeping. Not that i mind. It's always about the food, the sleep and some drinks to keep me happy. All those yummy stuff : pineapple tarts, love letters, chips, cookies. Before you think i have gained weight, think again. I have not. In fact, i am quite happy with my progress of weight loss. I maintained it. :)
I did go for my virgin bike ride of 2009 on the Eve of Lunar New Year. One word : PAIN. I think it's down to the saddle. I have the worst pain i ever had, since i started riding way long ago. It isn't chaffing. It's butt sores. And i had to endure the pain while seating myself down on any form of surfaces : bed, car seats, chairs.
I've also been swimming ... for some weeks. It's just that wake up call when i went into the pool. Since then i have been putting in mileage, inclusive of Lunar New Year week. I guess i'm off to a good start. Now ... to find my running mileage, which stands at a dismal zero.
Wish me luck...