I was talking to a friend about a friend's arrival back to Singapore as an Ironman. Julian has completed an Ironman race in Western Australia, and has been bugging me to join the Singapore Ironman70.3 in March 2009. I am tempted. Seriously tempted. Our friend Reeves noted that it's the sense of loss after an IM race, and that need to find that joy back crossing the finishing line.
Looking back through 2008, it's been one heck of a remarkable year. I set out with a certain set of goals : finishing a few races here and there... and finishing the Olympic Distance Triathlon. It was a good leadup, or so i thought. I signed up for NUS Biathlon (Sprint), which runs about two weeks before Singapore Biathlon. NUS Biathlon happens during CNY, i will not make the same mistake signing for a race during CNY again. Bad mistake, Bad bad bad mistake. I didn't sleep for the sake of cards and drinks, and went to the NUS Biathlon grouchy and sick. Singapore Biathlon was somewhat fun, meeting tons of my friends on the course. And realized i hate Singapore waters due to seabugs. Fast forward to a crazy last minute roping in to do Bintan Tri (Swim Leg), i clocked my personal best swim timing of 34minute-ish. I like it! So Saab City Duathlon came by, it was a modified race... but so what? I had fun. Osim Triathlon Olympic Distance, which i signed up for, but barely had enough time to train for it, my cousins came by around town from home in US. I didn't find time to head to training. And now i'm admitting i am the crybaby that came out from the water in Osim, and took way too long.
I basically sat myself down, and pen down my focus to run more. I am not the greatest runner, and had great plans to finish my first marathon in '08. A few s*#t-stirrers, like Yongfeng and Auntie CW) came aboard, and swayed me to go to Desaru to do my first long distance triathlon. I wasn't really prepared so i trained really hard a few weeks before, and not wanting to feel disappointed, i didn't tell a soul i was going and just went with my guts. I finished that race, beaten by the sun. Came back on an euphoric high, and signed for the Aviva Ironman70.3 Singapore. I did my Army Half Marathon a week after Desaru. By 70.3, i was so burnt out, so tired, and just wanted to get the race over.
I had a well-deserved rest after 70.3. I played my first 18-hole golf. That was also lack of practise, but i had some fun. I just sat around, had a bit of a party time, and leisure time with my friends. I stopped cycling. I started running a bit here and there. Got roped into going for Osim Corporate Triathlon ( Cycling leg). Last minute notice, i had half a week to get back onto the saddle. Even 20k would suck. I hated the mud, but had fun with my friends like Leslie, and the guys from Glencore. Towards the end of the year, i ran a whole lot more, a max of 60km for one particular week. But it went downhill from there, i had a calf muscle tear. I went to walk the Singapore Marathon, despite my physio's advice to sit out. I had to, all a matter of my pride and the amount of time invested.
Was i glad about the year? I sure was. Well-accomplished.
Events.08 :
17th Feb NUS Biathlon(Sprint)
1st March Singapore Biathlon (OD)
26th May Bintan Triathlon (Swim leg OD)
8th June Saab City Duathlon (5km run, 25km cycle, 10km run)
13th July Osim Triathlon (OD). 20th July Shape Run 5km.
16th Aug Desaru Long Dist Tri (2km swim, 90km bike, 21km run). 23rd July Army Half Marathon
7th Sept Aviva Ironman70.3 Singapore
26th Oct GE Women's 10k Run
1st Nov Osim Corporation Triathlon (Cycle leg),
7th Dec Standard Chartered Marathon.
12 events. 1 year. Oooo, what a year.