I went up to Desaru, Malaysia, with a bunch of the Trifam ENR guys, unsure if i was going to attempt it. Them, being them, of course swindled their way to making me sign up, and attempt. It's a "try la, attempt... if cannot make it, stop lor". I wasn't going to tell anyone that i was going to attempt it. It's one race, filled with uncertainty and fear. Not to mention, i wasn't prepared for it. I did not hit 90km for any ride, i did one 2km swim session only, and my longest run is 14km. Not enough preparation to finish a half-ironman.

Coming out of the water at around 50th minute, we walked slowly to the transition area, to get changed for the bike leg of 3 loops of 3

The bike leg was long... and errmmm.... long. It was hills, hills and more hills. At barely 5km mark, i had to stop, i couldn't breathe or deal with the heat. But i told myself to try continuing my journey. At 10km i wanted to DNF, and kept telling the guys whom i met along the way i won't be making it. At 15km mark, i looked front back left & right, i knew i had to finish 30k, since there was no help available if i DNF. At 30km mark, i reckon i could go on and try again. I was desperate to finish. At 45km, i knew there was no turning back. And i pulled all the strength i have and prayed : God, please give me good weather and strength! The weather was horrifying. One minute, it was hot as hell; the next minute, it was drizzling. Coupled with headwinds & occasional crosswinds, it was a cycling route of hell. At the end of those 90k, i really felt drained out. The time then was already 3pm.
I went to the transition area, and parked my bike, and put on my running shoes. I have 21k ahead. Nevermind that it was 21k, i have a 21k of hilly roads to run or walk. Choonwei came along the way and decided he'll run an hour till 430pm with me. I can't believe my luck, i have a pacer. And he came with raisins. Heh :) At that moment, i felt so lucky. Of cos, at 430pm... i was alone again, and still midway through 21k. The lowest point of the race came, when the trifam guys were in a car, and hearing them go "Keep going". I was still 3km away from end point. Daniel came by ... and handed me a bottle of water along with some powerbar energy powder. And with his aid, i was able to cross the finish lane at close to 6pm.
I am now a Half-Ironman.
And my timing is 7 hours 50 minutes.
Perhaps i could be faster during 70.3.
Heh :) yes i signed up for that too.... once i came home.
And my timing is 7 hours 50 minutes.
Perhaps i could be faster during 70.3.
Heh :) yes i signed up for that too.... once i came home.

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