Thursday, June 02, 2005

Powerpuff Girls --- Blossoms

I'm Blossoms...

Blossom - According to the closing credits' theme song, Blossom is "commander and the leader" of the Powerpuff Girls. The most intelligent and intellectual one of them all, she comes up with most of the plans to defeat the villains. She has very long red hair. At times she can be bossy but she always finds a way to keep her sisters from fighting each other. Her element is everything nice.

Hahaha, this makes me crack up. I was chatting with Angie over powerpuff girls... and suddenly she went "yea u're blossoms..." and then our all time quintessential male bitch Dave makes Buttercup. Of cos Angie declares herself as Bubbles cos she claims she's sweet. Whatever man Whatever! *does the Whatever jiggy* We all changed our nicks on MSN, sans Dave. I mean, he's your alpha male, hell no way, he would change his nick to "I am Buttercup" for the sake of two chickies. But two pretty cute Chickies??? i am sure he would. Dave, fugging prove your affirmative response to your sexuality.... and prove that you're very sure of your manhood... change the nick to "I am Buttercup".

p/s : while blogging, Dave actually proved to me he is very sure he's a man, and put his nick to "i am Buttercup". Bravo & kudos to him.... now ... that's really really weird...

I had coffee with a couple of friends last night. And boy, my stomach muscles are totally tightening up. I am getting abs just from laughing darn hard. Are guys THAT clueless about fashion? it's so darn funny. Well, I’ll let Angie have the pleasure of blogging abt it. Hahahaha and cheeselike wedge shoes??? And of cos,… the beef regards to mango sales. Hahahahaha

1 comment:

someone said...


candy here. :P
dropping by to say "i miss u".
when going for ice cream?